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Hereford Herd Sires
Click the following for interactive features:
Bull's Picture- Enlarges Picture
Bull's Name (if underlined)- Opens page with detailed information on their genetic and phenotypic merit.
Registration Number- Opens new tab with current EPDs and pedigree information.
Newly Acquired Herd Sires
*Semen Available*
$25/straw & $50/certificate
*Semen Available*
$25/straw & $50/certificate
*Semen Available*
$25/straw & $50/certificate
Currently Used Herd Sires
*Semen Available*
$25/straw & $50/certificate. We will give volume discounts!
GO Final Test G18
GO Varsity H15
KCF Bennett 504C J194
GO E33 King J52
GO Cuda K18
GO King G153
F 33Z Victor 117
GO Varsity J26
GO E33 King J73
GO Cuda K50
GO E33 King J53
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